Do you know these vital treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Erection dysfunction or ED may be terrifying and even harmful to your relationship with your lover. If you're suffering from this issue, it's important that you realize that every treatment option that's available to you. It really is even more essential that you talk to with your physician before trying to handle it. The appropriateness of the treatment would depend on your unique health situation up to your choices. Here are the most common treatments for ED: 1) Erectile dysfunction therapy pills like Viagra, Levitra, Cialis and Staxyn work by enhancing the amount of blood that moves into the male organ during erotic arousal. Many of these are prescription medications and should be studied carefully, as they are also associated with priapism, which is whenever a penis remains erect for some time even when you aren't about to have sexual intercourse. Viagra also shouldn't be used if you are taking nitrates or alpha-blockers. 2) Injection remedy...